Unique Story of Nag Panchami – Redaam

The tradition of Unique Story snake-worship in India has been practiced since ancient times and the practice of worshiping snakes on the snake is by law.

The poisonous organism in India is also considered to be godlike and is called Nag Dev.

The importance of serpents in the mythological civilization is revealed by the fact that Lord Shankar is seen wearing a garland of serpents, snakes like ornaments, Shivaputra Ganesha is shown wearing the serpent as a yajnopavit while Lord Vishnu is resting on the remaining serpent.

Even the avatar consists of serpents. On the incarnation of Vishnu as Shri Ramchandra, he is present as Sheshnag i.e. younger brother and becoming Lakshman as Sheshnag, while Sree Naag appeared at the time of Shrikrishnavatar as his forefather i.e. elder brother Balaramji.

A Farmer and poisonous Unique snake in a village

A farmer lived in a very beautiful village, a snake, and a serpent lived in his field. Shravanmas came, Shravan month is a beautiful and enchanting season, due to which nature starts to spread the beauty of greenery all around itself. Whose joy is not just human beings, but all creatures of Brammond enjoy happiness.

Day’s of Nagpanchami’s , a farmer who went to the field with his plow. Irrigated and came back home, carrying his own ox and oxen, suddenly he came to his attention.

He saw the blood-soaked path, the farmer was very sad to see this, he understood that some creature was at risk from me Is, he ran and went to the field by then it was already night, he took the lantern in one hand and the medicine in the other, and came running on the thin dam of the field.

He went and saw a snake very injured, he picked up the snake and applied for the medicine and brought the snake home, after a few days, the snake was become healthy, the farmer left it back to the resident farm.

As usual, the farmer went to see the crop in the field after a few days, then suddenly his foot fell on a poisonous Unique snake, she was a serpent who lived like a snake of that serpent.

If the snake is under the pressure of a chase, its mouth opens and bites.

The farmer took the sting by that serpent, due to which he fell in the field, the same snake was also traveling some distance away, the Nagin gallop rushed to the serpent and you told everything to Nag. The snake was very sad to hear that the man who gave me life gave you his sting.

The snake came galloping and came to the farmer and released all the poison back. For some time, the serpent and the serpent remained seated, so many of the villagers also came to know. And they all gathered up, they all saw the farmer lying asleep and two snakes and nagins were lying there. The people killed the serpent serpent by killing them.

After listening to the voice of the villagers, the farmer became aware, he saw two snakes killed in his vicinity. Seeing this, the villagers were called very bad.

He told all the things. Hearing this, everyone bowed down in shame, to repent of this sin, they swore that they would not kill any living beings and wow they built a temple in their memory, due to which the future generations should learn something from that story.

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